Friday, January 13, 2012

Thinking of NAMES for your BABY?

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We still don't know the gender of the baby but we are both excited as to what name should we give. According to facebook tarots and other fortune teller stuff Joyie is checking everyday (i'm sure she's hooked hehe), we are going to have a baby girl. Her co-workers gave their own predictions too that it's indeed a girl. Hearing everyday what people say about the gender of the baby - who would not be persuaded? Fact of the matter is - she is now calling our baby Arabella. Take that!

Well, i don't really have preference about the baby's gender. So long that it's healthy and intelligent i wouldn't ask for more. 

If you are having a baby of your own and still undecided about what name to give, check the link below. It can help you give a good one.