Saturday, September 21, 2013

Riding on Daddy's Back

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When I let Loureese to ride on my back last week she let go of a laugh that melted my heart. I sensed instantly that she liked it more than what I anticipated.

Back when I was a child, I too enjoyed riding on the back of my late father. I'll be laughing so hard and, within minutes, would sleep on my father's chest. I so missed those moments and they reminded me of my good old days with him. 

Just as I thought she would easily forget that she rode on my back, she did it again three days ago while I was lying on my stomach. At first I thought she was just scratching my back since it was one of the usual things she does first upon waking up. A little while later though, I felt we were slowly sinking into the bed. Overweight?

And because it was her mother's first to see her daughter did just that, she of course didn't let it pass.